oTo- Modified Drag is a motor that has been modified in such a way in order to gain speed is really optimal. If you are one of those people who love the sport of racing, motorcycle drag racing you can make your hobby as an outlet. At first race bike this one first recruited by an organization or community of Indonesian Motor Association (IMMm),
And with the passage of time seiringnya speed lovers in the world of motor racing, especially in drag racing more popular and there are many parties in such profitable garage, the mechanic and the manufacturer of the engine.
For those of you who are not familiar with motors drag, so below I present some images that you can drag bike known in various forms that are quite unique. Besides the picture below can you make inspiration as well as to modify your bike in order to look and shape can be cool and unique.
That photo modified drag bike that you can make an inspiration to modify the motor you have. For the cost of modifications drag bike, you can fill in your pocket sebanya mengeluarka 3 to 6 million for modifications are fairly ordinary.
But if you want to modify it into a drag bike that has the look and wow super speed, perhaps by releasing the contents of the wallet by 7 to 25 million expectations to reality.