Modification: Caring for motorcycle engine injection

Caring for motorcycle engine injection

Caring for motorcycle engine injection- Overall, for the treatment of motor matic injection is not much different from the treatment of non-injection motors in general. It's just that in some parts it needs special treatment, as part of V-Belt systems are becoming among the rotation of the wheels motorcycle tires.

And for the treatment correctly and regularly on the motor matic injection, not only can affect the performance of the motor is more stable but also can extend the life of the motor matic machine parts
And Here I will give you 5 steps you can do to the motor matic injection you can do

Perform routine servicing 2 or 3 months, as a check spark plugs, air filter open to check the V belt tension, until the tire pressure and the condition of the motor brake for brake very important one because it is keeping our safety when driving on the road. And do not forget to always heat up mmotor before use at least 3 minutes or 5 minutes. Better to use the starter crank to start the engine when it was about to want heated.

Substitution of oil you try to change the oil once a month karen machine has a very important role to lubricate engine components. Change oil every 2,000 miles and multiples thereof. Wear appropriate motor oil injection Matic.

For those who still use carburetors technology, it's good to check and clean the carburetor 3 months. Or whenever the service is better cleaned.
Every 15,000 km valve shall be cleaned so that the engine is in good condition and the motor does not crash or strike. Usually kotoransering prop in this section. Moreover, if the motor is often passed through the dusty streets.

Keep the service at authorized workshops in AHASS. In addition to established Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), in AHASS mechanics have been trained to deal with issues of Honda Motor Matic, mudali from minor problems to severe problems.