Modification: How to care for the car engine

How to care for the car engine

How to care for the car engine
the car is a very important means of transportation and include the needs of our daily transportation needs hari.buatlah sparingly so as not to interfere with the following tangga.Dan home money how to care for the car engine.
Treat the car as a friendly 
run car with soft and smooth, take the car to the ideal speed quickly but do not be rude, keep it stable at speed, this will save gas, avoid the habit of speeding and brake mengijak over ualang.Menurut USA Environmental Agency, the most economical speed of around 40 km / h to 100 km / h. gently running car not only saves fuel but also extend the life of the engine, transmission and brakes.

Caring for regular vehicle
Car care habits including regular oil changes will ultimately reduce operating costs, because beroprasi car in top condition and rarely damaged, engine tune up not absorb 10-20% more fuel than that cared diligently, modern machines are computer controlled do not need a tune up too often but still have to be treated as scheduled dirawat.Pastikan car that is in the manual, to act swiftly when they hear or merasaakan sound, vibration and smell different will help reduce the risk of a dry bag.
Be careful with the roof rack
Probably never unthinkable that placing goods roof rack causing gasoline to be more extravagant, in fact disruption of airflow due to the placement of the items causing the engine to work harder and this berrti more gasoline.

No need to authorized workshops
Authorized workshops are usually more expensive than ordinary garage, so it's worth finding a regular workshops with experienced and professional mechanic to perform routine maintenance of your car, while in certain cases are quite difficult and rare resmi.Biasaka better advantage of the workshop keeps a record of car care every time you log in workshop, the notes will be very useful later when the car will be sold again.