Modification: Cara atasi motor Mio j susah hidup

Cara atasi motor Mio j susah hidup

Although relatively rare hard to live in a motor vehicle as a motor mio j, but there are issues in Mio belonging to one customer while servicing the bike in the garage at the official Yamaha Motor Banyuwangi area of ​​Jl. Undaan Wetan, Surabaya. The problem is difficult lives, but the procedure is correct, the standard side has gone up and the brake lever has been operated.

MOTor aneh

After examination of the DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code) in memory that should be scanned with a laptop, gotten input mechanical injectors if nobody gives a signal, being a good ignition. "Thus, the stages are divided into mechanical injection of fresh gas ejection process of the injector and ignition so chaotic. Difficult life and machine," said Adi chief mechanic.

Know problems like this happens, examination aimed directly at the pick-up coil on the rotor magnet adjacent to the fan, as the engine turns the data transmitter of the sensor to the ECM.

After the fan casing is opened, it turns dirt pick-up coil seized with a kind of mud. "And indicated, is often passed matic flooded areas," said Adi. He added that, for the pembenahannya, dirt on the surface of the pick-up coil and fulser, compulsory cleaned using water proof and do turns.

And the finished installation of components comprehensively, the new engine can be switched to normal. Thus, it is important for users of automatic injection, after passing through the flood, you should rinse with clean water in quick time. "So, the mud was dry and covered trigger signal delivered to a pick-up coil fulser,

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