Modification: What causes twitching in the eye? answer

What causes twitching in the eye? answer

What causes twitching in the eye? answer

Many say that twitch in the eye indicates that there are other people who are talking about you out there whether good or bad. The funny thing is, many other versions of why you twitch interpret, for example, will be able to connect with horoscope fortune or Java.

But actually, as quoted from, there are several causes that can be explained medically about the phenomenon of twitch in the eye, among others, is due to stress, fatigue, too much caffeine, alcohol, dry eyes, allergies, eye strain, and imbalance nutritional intake.
This is a normal twitch appear and disappear, but it can also last all day or even weeks. To overcome this, you need to know what the exact cause that can be treated in a proper way.

If you are experiencing stress, either because of work or other things, twitch may occur because not only mental and mind are tired, but physically as well, including nerve muscle around the eyes. Fatigue and lack of sleep can also cause stress which then causes a twitch.

Many experts believe that the adverse effects of caffeine not only on the health of the heart or the brain, but also to the health of the eye and if the intake of too much caffeine will lead to twitch. If you are in front of a computer all day and force your eyes to keep working, it can make dry eye and eventually cause a twitch.

More serious forms of eyelid twitch caused by neurological conditions such as blepharospasm or hemifacial spasm, the muscle tensing nervous condition at the side of the face twitch symptoms. However this is very rare and to find out more clearly, you have to go through the eye doctor's diagnosis.

What causes twitching in the eye? answer