Modification: herbal remedies to overcome dry cough

herbal remedies to overcome dry cough

herbal remedies to overcome dry cough



Basil is one of the spices that are commonly used as a spice in cooking. Basil leaves also have a distinctive scent and warm. Basil has many benefits one of which is to treat cough. Way of processing ie, provide 5-7 basil leaves, then boil in 1-2 cups of water, Strain the cooking water from the basil leaves and drink boiled water the basil leaves at least 1x / day until your cough completely healed,


Provide 5-10 Blimbing fruit, then wash and puree using a blender. Furthermore mix with 1 cup cooking water and a little salt. Then squeeze and strain the mixture of fruit and starfruit drink 2 times a day every morning and evening until your cough cured.


In addition to efficacy in treating ulcer disease, it can also turmeric invented as a cough medicine, especially for a dry cough. How to make it is to add 1/2 teaspoon turmeric and honey that has been pounded into a glass of milk. Turmeric has natural properties that can relieve cough.


Besides beautiful, it is also efficacious for treating coughs. easy way, take more or less of fresh roses around ten grams, then the team with enough water and add rock sugar to taste. Drink twice a day, until your cough is reduced and cured. (This way I have not tried)

Mixture of Tea and Ginger

If for tea and ginger maybe you all already know the benefits. In addition to wine, tea and ginger also has many benefits, one of which is as a cure for cough. The trick is, provide 1 finger of ginger tea and a glass of warm / slightly hot. After that wash the ginger and iris2, then mix with tea brewed with hot water / heat somewhat earlier. After that drink 2x/day.

Young tamarind leaves

function can also cure dry cough. Way, take half a handheld young tamarind leaves, then mix with sweet sage leaves, cinnamon, and sugar cubes to taste. Simmer over low heat until boiling and filtered. Ready to drink potions.

herbal remedies to overcome dry cough