Modification: 4 Healthy Foods For Vitiligo Skin

4 Healthy Foods For Vitiligo Skin

4 Healthy Foods For Vitiligo Skin

Skin problems are not only limited to acne, oily and itchy Ladies only, but there are many types and kinds of skin problems, one of which is vitiligo.

Some of you may be unfamiliar with this term, but vitiligo can strike anyone at any race in the world. Vitiligo is a skin condition which is itself a loss of pigment or natural color due to charge cells produce melanin, the skin color-producing compounds, suddenly stopped the move and cause the skin to become white color with an uneven shape on certain body parts.

However, based on excerpts from, there are some good foods to help reduce the risk of vitiligo spread to other body parts and are slowly able to restore skin color that will be discussed below.

First, the consumption of wheat. Instead of rice, wheat-based foods such as bread and oats will be very good for preventing the spread of vitiligo because it is rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals that are needed by the body to repair damaged cells, including skin.

Both are multiply eat vegetables. Some of the vegetables are good for vitiligo is spinach, because it contains many nutrients essential in the regeneration of dead and damaged skin cells. Then there are garlic and antibiotics are not only cure, is also one source of antioxidants that help maintain and restore the health of the skin. In addition, there is also capable of cabbage rid of harmful chemicals.

The third food is fat. Do not prejudiced first when you hear the word fat, because fat is meant here is a healthy fat that you can get from olive oil, because it contains nutrients very well in restoring youthfulness and skin health. If you like, can also eat some nuts except peanuts and cashews pistacio.

The fourth is a herbal supplement food. Many supplements are good for health, but specifically for vitiligo, select Gingko biloba supplements were able to reduce the effects of vitiligo and prevent the spread to other body parts.

So even though the vitiligo condition can not be cured, but that does not mean you can give up with this situation, because there is still a good friend booster stomach which will give a positive effect to your skin problems.
